UBO Register – Important Clarifications

Further to our previous newsfeeds on this, the Cyprus Registrar of Companies issued an announcement on 11 April 2022, providing important clarifications with regards to the companies, which are required to submit information about their Ultimate Beneficial Owner/s (UBO) to the Register (UBO Register).

The announcement covers the following cases.

Companies which filed an application for strike off or liquidation after 12 March 2021

As it has also been mentioned before, such companies are not exempted from the obligation to provide information to the UBO Register.

Companies which filed an application for strike off before 12 March 2021, where an objection was filed by a public authority

Even if such companies continue/d to be in existence after 12 March 2021 because of the objection to their strike off filed by a relevant public authority, they are exempted from the obligation to submit information to the UBO Register.

Companies, which received a letter for forced strike off by the Registrar of Companies before 12 March 2021 because of non-compliance with legal requirements

Companies which, although they did not file an application for strike off, they have been notified by the Registrar of Companies before 12 March 2021 that they will be struck off because of non-compliance with legal requirements (i.e. filing of Annual Returns, payment of Annual Levy), but were still in existence on 12 March 2021, are obliged to file information to the UBO Register.