

We, together with the support of expert associates or other subcontractors, can assist on any aspect of doing business in Cyprus from an international perspective. For example we can provide a wide range services for what concerns: Intellectual Property Internal Audit IT Marine and Aviation  

Private Equity


We can assist you in raising finance through Private Equity in order to pursue your business objectives, whether these involve development of  a promising product, service or concept, taking such a development to the market, expanding your business, etc. Among the services we can provide are the following: Preparation of a teaser Preparation and maintenance […]

Investment Funds & Investment Firms


A.   Background The essence of an investment fund is the collective investment of the funds of investors. An investor is the owner of units which, depending on the legal form, can be shares, participations or interests in an investment fund. There are various types of investment funds depending on whether they are available to the general […]



Our highly qualified lawyers, tax experts, accountants and other professionals can evaluate all prospects and provide review comments, advice and specialised assessments. We facilitate the undertaking of informed decisions by our clients for what concerns the tax, legal, regulatory, reporting and other implications of operations, enabling them to focus on their core business and entrepreneurial matters. Seamark offers, […]

Liquidation, Redomiciliation & Other Strategic Operations


When time comes for important operations of a strategic nature, it is very important to have the support and assistance of qualified and experienced advisors.  At Seamark we can proudly proclaim that we possess these characteristics, especially with regards to the following operations: Business Recovery and Insolvency Mergers and Acquisitions Redomiciliation (Transfer of Registered Office) […]

Tax and VAT Compliance


A.   Background The tax legislation of Cyprus is in full conformity with both EU Laws and Directives and with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s guidelines Additionally, Cyprus has a wide network of Double Tax Treaties (DTTs) covering an array of countries around the world, including major developed and developing nations. These treaties have very […]



All Cyprus registered companies are required to prepare financial statements in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113 and the International Financial Reporting Standards and file these with the Registrar of Companies. The financial statements are subject to statutory audit by licensed auditors, unless one of the exemptions provided in […]

Banking Administration


Seamark can provide timely, reliable and efficient assistance with setting up presence in Cyprus, including formation of company, locating premises, hiring or relocating personnel