The legal, tax and overall business environment of Cyprus is ideal for the setting up and management of investment funds...
The statutory deadline for the payment of any residual (i.e. after taking in to account any tax which was paid provisionally) income tax due for the year 2019 for ...
The reduction of the VAT rate applicable to the hotel and related accommodation, catering and transportation services from 9% to 5% will be applicable from 1 July 2020 to 10 January 2021.
The Ministry of Finance of Cyprus extended the deadline for submission of the 2019 personal income tax return to 30 October 2020...
Through a Decree issued on 22 May 2020, the Cyprus Tax Department announced that the deadline is further extended...
The Cyprus Ministry of Labour announced on 2 May 2020 that the deadline for the payment of Social Insurance and related contributions for March...
On 15 April 2020 the Cyprus Parliament voted in the law the extension of the Tonnage Tax system applicable to the shipping industry in Cyprus...