Cyprus – Russia Double Tax Treaty: Important Amendments

On 10 August 2020, the Republic of Cyprus and the Russian Federation have agreed to amend their Double Tax Treaty... 

Cyprus: Amendments to the Tax Treatment of Intangible Assets

On 17 July 2020, a bill amending the Income Tax Law was approved by the Cyprus Parliament, introducing a number of changes concerning the tax treatment of intangible assets.

Protocol to Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Switzerland

On 20 July 2020, an amending Protocol to the existing Double Tax Treaty of 2014 was signed between the Republic of Cyprus and the Swiss Confederation...

We assist in achieving the objectives of the investment funds in which we are involved

The legal, tax and overall business environment of Cyprus is ideal for the setting up and management of investment funds...

Deadline for Payment of Residual Income Tax for 2019

The statutory deadline for the payment of any residual (i.e. after taking in to account any tax which was paid provisionally) income tax due for the year 2019 for ...

Cyprus Adopts Exit Tax and Hybrid Mismatch ATAD Provisions

On 19 June 2020, the Cyprus Parliament voted into law the provisions of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives (ATAD I and ATAD II), which had not been transposed in to local legislation before...

EU Council Approves Deferral of DAC6 Reporting Deadlines

The Directive gives Member States the option to defer the application of what is known as DAC6 by six months... 

Notional Interest Deduction on New Equity: Amendments

The provisions of the Income Tax Law related to the Notional Interest Deduction (NID) on New Equity were amended...

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