On 23 February 2018 the Russian Ministry of Finance (MoF) issued a clarification...
On 15 February 2018, the Ukrainian State Fiscal Service (SFS) published a Guidance Letter...
The Cyprus Tax Department published on 14 February 2018 an update on bond yield rates per country as at 31 December 2017...
We have reported several times in the past about the very attractive personal tax exemption of 50% of employment income...
As reported last week, a Double Tax Treaty (DTT) was signed on 3 January 2018 between Cyprus and Saudi Arabia.
On 11 December 2017, the OECD announced the launching of a consultation on new rules requiring disclosure of CRS avoidance arrangements and...
The application of the accelerated capital allowance rates was extended by two more years (previously applicable until the tax year 2016).