As announced by the Tax Department on 21 February 2024, as part of the gradual implementation of the Tax For All (TFA) platform, the Withholding Taxes and Contributions Return (the ‘Return’) for the year 2024 and onwards, will be submitted through the TFA platform and not through the TAXISnet system, which has been the case so far. The Return, otherwise known as the Employer’s Return, provides a summary of employees’ data, including emoluments, P.A.Y.E. and other deductions.
For the year 2024, only the usual Return will be due for submission (submission in 2025). For subsequent years there will also be monthly Returns for submission.
Furthermore, as part of the Return submission, all employees are required to possess a valid Tax Identification Number, issued by the Cypriot Tax Department.
The remittance of the tax withheld and the contributions for the year 2024 is still made through the Tax Portal, within the specified deadlines.