
Tax For All Portal Going Live

Further to our previous newsfeed on this, the Tax Department announced that the Tax For All (TFA) Portal will go live on 27 March 2023. In the announcement the Tax Department communicated the following  deadlines for submissions and payments.


VAT Submissions

• The last day when VAT registered persons will be allowed to submit VAT returns, VIES forms and VAT refund requests and update their email address through the TAXISnet system is 16 March 2023.

• As from March 27 2023, all VAT and VIES obligations as well as VAT refund requests will be processed exclusively through the TFA portal. The Intrastat Returns will continue to be submitted through the TAXISnet system.

The gap between the two dates will be utilised for transferring data from the TAXISnet system to the TFA platform.


VAT Payments

• The last day when payments can be facilitated via the use of TAXISnet slips and reference codes is the 16 March 2023.

• As from March 27 2023, all payments will be facilitated through the reference codes and slips provided by TFA Portal.