Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register – Simplification of Submission Procedure

On 29 October 2021 the Cyprus Registrar of Companies announced that as from that day the submission of information to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register…
New Package of Incentives for Establishing or Expanding Presence in Cyprus

On 15 October 2021 the Cyprus government presented its Action Plan for attracting companies to establish or expand presence in Cyprus. The Plan is in line with…
Inheritance and Estate Planning – Company or Trust?

In this newsfeed we will focus on two popular Cyprus entities, which can be used for arranging and administering the wealth of a family in order to ensure its smooth and careful transmission from…
Further Extension to Deadline for Submission of 2019 Tax Returns

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus issued a decree on 24 September 2021 based on which the deadline for submission of…
DAC 6 – Further Extension of Period With No Administrative Fines

On 21 September 2021 the Cyprus Tax Department announced an extension to the period over which no administrative fines for overdue submission of DAC6 information will be imposed.
Reductions in Cyprus Tonnage Tax for Environmentally Friendly Vessels – Procedure and Arrangements

Through a Circular issued by the Shipping Deputy Ministry on 3 September 2021, the relevant procedure and practical arrangements for qualifying with those incentives has been determined.
Changes to Employment and Social Insurance Regulations

The Cyprus Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance has recently announced that on 13 September 2021, the Social Insurance…
Setting Up in Cyprus: Company-Officers-Premises

We will consider whether to form a company in Cyprus or redomicile a foreign company to the country. We will also contemplate alternatives concerning premises, as well as for sourcing and appointing officers for the company.
Extended Deadline for Payment of Residual Income Tax for 2020

Through a directive issued on 30 July 2021 by the Minister of Finance, the a deadline has been extended…
Income Tax Return for 2020: Further Extension of Submission Deadline

The Cyprus Tax Department has recently announced that the deadline for submission of the Income Tax Return for 2020 will be extended further from…