Financing of/from Cyprus Companies: Challenges and Opportunities
There are many implications with regards to the set-up and operations of companies with international operations…
Related Party Financing – A Totally Reshaped Landscape
As from 1 July 2017 related party financing transactions will need to comply with transfer pricing requirements…
The 60-Day Tax Residency Rule
The new provision, also known as “60-day tax residency rule”, provides an incentive to individuals who are not tax residents in any other state for any tax year to transfer their tax residence to Cyprus…
Seamark Going…Global!
Seamark is pleased to be among the exhibitors of the Going Global Exhibition which will take place on 16 and 17 of May 2018 at Excel London!
Cyprus – Russia Double Tax Treaty – Court decision for thin capitalization rules
The Russian Supreme Court issued a decision related to the treatment of interest considered as non-tax deductible based on…
New Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and UK
A new Double Tax Treaty was signed between Cyprus and the UK on 22 March 2018. The treaty is based…
Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Ukraine – Taxation of dividends in Ukraine
On 15 February 2018, the Ukrainian State Fiscal Service (SFS) published a Guidance Letter…
Tax Circular clarifying income eligible for 50% exemption from personal tax
We have reported several times in the past about the very attractive personal tax exemption of 50% of employment income…
Russia: Law amending CFC and corporate tax residence rules signed and published
The President of the Russian Federation signed on 29 December 2017, Law No. 436-FZ of 28 December 2017 (the Law)…
VAT Circular for Cyprus Holding Companies
The Cyprus Tax Authorities issued on 9 January 2018 a circular concerning the VAT treatment of holding companies. The main provisions of the circular are summarised below.