Protocol to Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Ukraine enters in to force

On 30 October 2019 the Parliament of Ukraine approved the ratification of the protocol amending the Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Ukraine…
Seamark Managing Director awarded Honorary Membership of Cyprus Fiduciary Association

During an event organised by the Cyprus Fiduciary Association in the evening of 4 December 2019, George Savvides – Seamark Manging Director…
Holidays are Coming!

As we are approaching the festive season we would like to inform everyone that our office will remain closed for holidays from 24 December 2019 to 2 January 2020, both inclusive.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone!
New/Revised Fines by Cyprus Registrar of Companies – Extension of Deadline

As we have reported back in September, as from 18 December 2019, the Registrar of Companies was supposed to start imposing an administrative fine…
Cyprus Tonnage Tax System Extended

On 16 December 2019, the European Commission approved the extension of the Tonnage Tax system applicable to the shipping industry in Cyprus for 10 years…
Public Interest Rate for 2020

With a decree issued on 20 December 2019, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus has set the public interest rate for 2020 at 1.75%…
Cyprus and Egypt sign a new Double Tax Treaty

Cyprus and Egypt signed on 8 October 2019 a new Double Tax Treaty, aiming to replace the existing treaty, which is in force since March 1995…
Setting Up a Head Office or Regional Office

The place where an international group should base its head office or a regional office is becoming ever more critical, considering…
Redomiciliation to and from Cyprus

Cyprus has become a very popular destination for redomiciliations (transfers of legal seat) to the country over the last few years and there are very good reasons for this.
Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Kazakhstan – Details

A Double Tax Treaty was signed between Cyprus and Kazakhstan on 15 May 2019. The details of the treaty have since become available and are summarized…