Increase in Earnings Cap for Employment Contribution Purposes

The earnings cap for Social Insurance purposes for 2021 will increase to €57,408 per annum (2020: €54,864 per annum). It is reminded…
Extension of Deadline for Country by Country Reporting

The Cyprus Tax Department announced on 15 December 2020 that the submission deadline for the following Country-by-Country Reporting obligations in Cyprus…
Extension of Incentives for Relocating to Cyprus for Employment

On 3 December 2020 the Cyprus Parliament approved the extension of the two incentives already in place for attracting people to relocate to Cyprus and obtain employment in the country.
Christmas Holidays

As we are approaching the festive season we would like to inform everyone that our office will remain closed for holidays from 24 December 2020 to 1 January 2021, both inclusive.
Additional Extension of Deadline for Submission of 2019 Personal Income Tax Returns

On 27 November 2020 it was announced that the deadline for submission of the 2019 personal income tax return is further extended to 15 December 2020.
Seamark Releases a Brand New Animated Video for the Festive Season

With our best wishes for a healthier, safer, brighter 2021!
Payment of Postponed VAT Due to COVID-19 Can Be Made in Instalments

On 2 November 2020, an amendment to the VAT Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic, allowing for the said VAT due to be settled in six equal monthly instalments…
Protocol to Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Ukraine enters in to force

On 30 October 2019 the Parliament of Ukraine approved the ratification of the protocol amending the Double Tax Treaty between Cyprus and Ukraine…
Seamark Managing Director awarded Honorary Membership of Cyprus Fiduciary Association

During an event organised by the Cyprus Fiduciary Association in the evening of 4 December 2019, George Savvides – Seamark Manging Director…
Cyprus Tax Department Issues Guidance Related to Tax Residency During the COVID-19 Crisis

On 27 October 2020 the Cyprus Tax Department issued Implementing Directive 4, related to tax residency during the COVID-19…