Cyprus and the Netherlands sign a Double Tax Treaty

On 1 June 2021 Cyprus and the Netherlands signed a Double Tax Treaty.
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register – Penalties During the Interim Solution Period

On 25 May 2021 the Registrar of Companies announced that no penalties will be imposed during the interim solution period, including…
Transfer of Legal Seat (Re-domiciliation) to/from Cyprus

Cyprus has become a very popular destination for redomiciliations over the last few years and there are very good reasons for this.
Release of Updated Publications Following Important Changes to Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit Programme

Following the very beneficial amendments introduced to the Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit Programme, we have updated our publications covering, among others, the said changes.
Different Easter Holidays…Again!

Although we are all getting tired, both physically and mentally, of this constrained way of life, we need to show some more patience, with the hope that we will soon get back to our normal way of living.
Extension of Deadlines Related to Taxes for 2020

Following an amendment to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law published on 20 April 2021, the deadline for submission of the personal income tax return for individuals as well as…
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register for Cyprus Companies – Extension of Deadline

On 21 April 2021 the Registrar of Companies announced that the deadline for existing companies in order to submit their Ultimate Beneficial Owner data…
Important Changes to the Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit Programme

The Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit Programme became even more attractive with some changes, which became effective on 24 March 2021.
DAC6 Legislation Voted by Cyprus Parliament

On 18 March 2021 the Cyprus Parliament voted into law the provisions of the EU Directive on Administrative Cooperation, commonly known as DAC6.
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register for Companies – Time to Act

On 12 March 2021, the Registrar issued a directive with guidelines regarding the maintenance and operation of the Register, as well as…