Becoming a Resident and/or Tax Resident of Cyprus – Immigration and Much More

Services in relation to Cyprus residence permits and citizenships as well as becoming a Tax Resident of Cyprus, including support services for relocating and ongoing.

As part of its effort to attract foreign high net worth individuals to invest, international groups to set-up presence and qualified individuals to relocate and work in the country, Cyprus offers some very appealing incentives. These include a 50% tax exemption on employment income in case this exceeds EUR55,000 per annum, a “non-dom” regime, a 60-days tax residency scheme and many more. You can find more on these incentives in our relevant publications, which can be found on a dedicated page of our website.

These incentives, together with other advantages of Cyprus, such as its geographical location, its sunny weather, the business-friendly time zone, low crime and pollution and the top quality of facilities and services, create a very appealing proposition.

We can assist in a wide range of matters related to obtaining residency and/or tax residency in Cyprus, including the following:

    • Assistance with identification and securing of suitable and qualifying (if applicable) immovable property
    • Drafting and submitting the required documents to the relevant authorities (e.g. applications for immigration permits, permanent residence permits, employment permits, visas, etc
    • Monitoring the status of the applications and following up with applicants
    • Arranging and attending meetings with the Immigration Department and other authorities
    • Services in relations to qualification (initial and on-going) with specific tax regimes applicable to qualifying migrants
    • Running a pre-clearance check with relevant authorities
    • Applying for issuance of Tax Residency Certificates

You can refer to our related piece in a series of newsfeeds related to Setting Up in Cyprus, dedicated on hiring and relocation of personnel for a real life scenario on how we assisted on the relocation of staff from abroad for a UK shipping company, which established presence in Cyprus.

Our services don’t stop at the formal part of a relocation (i.e. obtaining permits, etc.) but also include assistance and support for a smooth settle down in the country, including on the following areas, either during the relocation phase or on an ongoing basis, where applicable:

  • Opening of bank account/s
  • Setting-up utility connections and taking care of their settlement
  • Creation of insurance covers (for house, car/s, medical, life, investment, etc.) and following-up with insurance agents
  • Maintenance and renovation
  • Property and personal security
  • Children’s schooling and other activities
  • Recruitment/engagement of domestic staff (nannies, housemates, gardeners, etc.)

Such services can be offered on an ad-hoc basis or as an overall package of Family Office supports.