Investment Funds & Investment Firms

A.   Background

The essence of an investment fund is the collective investment of the funds of investors. An investor is the owner of units which, depending on the legal form, can be shares, participations or interests in an investment fund.

There are various types of investment funds depending on whether they are available to the general public, whether they are open ended, etc.

Investing through an investment fund offers significant advantages as compared to individual investing, such as:

  • reduction of risk through diversification
  • sharing of operating and administrative costs (commissions, etc.)
  • wider choice of investments


The legal, tax and overall business environment of Cyprus is ideal for the setting up and management of investment funds. It is presented in some detail in our dedicated newsfeed.


B.   How we can help

Our objective is to ensure that the complexity of setting up and running such vehicles becomes seamless through the provision of high quality services. Thanks to timely response, provision of accurate information and compliance with all laws and regulations we assist in achieving the objectives of the investment funds and investment firms in which we are involved. Our services span across various areas , such as:

  • Design and implementation of an appropriate corporate and organisational structure
  • Sourcing officers/providers (directors, company secretary, manager, custodian)
  • Preparation and administration of the application for obtaining authorisation
  • Preparation of the business plan
  • Preparation of the internal regulations and control manuals


For investment funds in particular we can also offer the following services:

  • Redomiciliation of funds and fund management companies
  • Regulatory and shareholder reporting, including filings to regulatory bodies
  • Secretarial and registered office services
  • Drafting or reviewing of the risk management policy
  • Bookkeeping and maintenance of accounting records
  • Portfolio valuation and NAV Calculation
  • Supervision of the audit process
  • Handle wire payments and transfers, including the processing of distribution/dividend payments
  • Maintaining the database of investors and the share/unitholder register(s)
  • Processing investors transactions (commitments/subscriptions) capital calls, redemptions, exchanges, transfers, distributions/dividends
  • Responding to investors queries.
  • On-going due diligence procedures including KYC
  • Consulting on valuations, restructurings and other operations