As part of its effort to attract foreign high net worth individuals to invest and qualified individuals to relocate and work in the country, either on their own or as part of a group structuring/reorganisation, Cyprus offers some very attractive incentives.
These incentives, together with some other advantages, such as its geographical location, sunny weather, business-friendly time zone and low crime and pollution offer a very attractive environment for investing, setting up a business and/or relocating to Cyprus.
Add to that the top quality of facilities and services on offer, such as marinas, golf courses, professional services, private schools and universities and it makes no wonder why the number of interested persons and organisations has increased exponentially over the last few years.
You can find more about these incentives and advantages in our related Infographic and Practical Note, by clicking on the relevant links below. As always, we are at your disposal for any further information or clarification and for considering any specific enquiries, concerns and ideas you may have.