Incorporation of Cyprus Companies

We assist with the completion and filing with the Registrar of Companies of the application and supporting documentation for incorporation of a company. Assistance with sourcing and appointing officers, as well as with securing a registered office and having a nominee shareholder if needed.
Corporate and Secretarial Services

Seamark can provide timely, reliable and efficient assistance with setting up presence in Cyprus, including formation of company, locating premises, hiring or relocating personnel
Becoming a Resident and/or Tax Resident of Cyprus – Immigration and Much More

Services in relation to Cyprus residence permits and citizenships as well as becoming a Tax Resident of Cyprus, including support services for relocating and ongoing.
Family Office

For those families with extensive and often disparate business and personal interests, looking for a bespoke, personal, professional service, we take over considerable time and concern involved in dealing with the family affairs.
Setting-up Presence in Cyprus

Seamark can provide timely, reliable and efficient assistance with setting up presence in Cyprus, including formation of company, locating premises, hiring or relocating personnel